
Name Dr. Carine Azar
Gender Female
Degree MD
Specialty Neurologist
Education Graduated from the Saint Joseph University in Beirut, Lebanon; Diploma of Specialized Medical Training from the University of Paris Diderot in France; Diploma of Clinical Neurophysiological Explorations from Sorbonne University in Paris, France.
Experience --
Hospital Affiliations --
Board Certifications Certified in Neurophysiology, ENMG and evoked potentials (Neurophysiology Diploma from Sorbonne University, Paris, France) Ongoing Certification for Botulinum toxin for movement disorders (dystonia, facial spasms)
Awards and Publications Member of the European Academy of Neurology Member of the International Neurotoxin Association (Botulinum Toxin) Member of the international Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology Member of the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society
Languages Spoken Arabic, English, French