21 2021 Nov
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Obesity is a chronic and severe lifestyle disorder in which excess fat accumulates in the tissues of the body to an extent that it triggers numerous health problems.

Obesity is particularly harmful once it triggers numerous other illnesses in the body, such as diabetes, heart disease and gynecological complaints. Nevertheless, it is a reversible condition that can be successfully treated, by adhering to a healthy, active lifestyle, unless it manifests in very severe forms, wherein prescription medicines and surgery may be necessary.

Obesity negatively influences the quality of life of the affected person, leading to tendencies of shame, guilt, low self-esteem, sexual problems and depression. It also gives rise to type 2 diabetes, cardiac ailments, digestive disorders and even cancer.


Eating more calories than what is consumed by the body processes and burned as energy, in daily activity and exercise, coupled with a very sedentary lifestyle, causes obesity. Over time, these extra calories accumulate in tissues, organs, with very high levels of weight gain.

The most common causes of obesity include:

· Eating a poor diet of foods high in fats and calories
· Having a sedentary, lethargic and inactive lifestyle
· Not sleeping enough, which can lead to hormonal changes that constantly stimulate hunger sensations and cravings for sugar-rich, salty, oily and high-calorie foods
· Genetics, which can affect the body’s metabolism and how fat is stored
· Ageing, which can lead to less muscle mass and a slower metabolic rate, making it easier to gain weight
· Pregnancy, as weight gained during pregnancy, can be difficult to lose and may eventually lead to obesity

Certain medical conditions may also lead to uncontrolled weight gain. These consist of:

· Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): a condition that causes an imbalance of female reproductive hormones
· Prader-Willi syndrome: a rare condition that an individual is born with which causes excessive hunger
· Cushing syndrome: a condition caused by having an excessive amount of the hormone cortisol in your system
· Hypothyroidism: a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough of certain important hormones
· Osteoarthritis: degeneration of joints and bones with age