10 2023 Apr
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Dubai: The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has issued Ramadan nutrition tips and dos and don’ts for iftar and suhoor. The authority took to social media to also provide advice to avoid dehydration and digestive issues while fasting.


• Start your iftar with soup to replenish the fluids lost in your body while fasting

• Break your fast with a few dates and a glass of water

• Eat fruits daily, set a certain time after iftar to have fruits so you don’t forget

• Avoid frying food and opt for baking, steaming or boiling it instead. You can also use an air fryer, if available

• Avoid using sauces like mayonnaise, ketchup and mustard


• Eat pickles and salty foods as they cause bloating and leave you feeling thirsty during the day

• Forget to watch your serving size and do not put too many varieties of food on your plate

• Eat a lot of carbs like bread, white rice, sweets and pastries

• Fry food in large quantities of oil


• Drink soups rich in vegetables and proteins like chicken. Yogurt and dates are also recommended for suhoor and do not forget to drink plenty of water

Don’t eat fast-food, as it is full of sugar and fats

Ramadan nutrition guide

• Drink a lot of water, milk and laban, as this helps maintain fluid levels during the fasting period

• Drink calcium-rich milk, vegetable-based smoothies and Qamar Al Din (apricot juice), which is rich in vitamin A and B and helps improve cholesterol and blood pressure

• Eat vegetables, fruits and grains to help digestion

• Divide your meals into small portions and make sure you chew it well and eat slowly

• Avoid drinking tea immediately after iftar and delay having it for at least an hour, as it affects the absorption of iron in the body

• Light exercises also help in digestion

• Lift your head slightly with a pillow when you sleep, this will also raise your chest, which helps prevent acid reflux


• Drink a lot of stimulating drinks that contain caffeine, such as tea, coffee, etc.

• Neglect drinking plenty of water between Iftar and Suhoor

• Eat spicy and fatty food

• Drink soda and energy drinks

• Don’t consume a lot of caffeine or smoke cigarettes