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Published:  April 13, 2020 by Noor Nazzal, DHA

DHA recommends taking precautions in homes to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

At this point, everyone is aware that physical distancing from others prevents the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), but many do not know that they should also practise physical distancing and other precautionary measures when they are home.

Dr Hind Al Awadhi, Head of Health Promotion and Education Section at Dubai Health Authority (DHA) called on the public to practise physical distancing at home, even if all family members are healthy.

The World Health Organisation advises that people maintain 2m (6 feet) distance from one another to prevent the spread of coronavirus. This should also be followed when you are home.

“For example, when you are sitting on the couch or the dining table you should keep a distance from one another by keeping one or two seats between each other,” said Dr Al Awadhi.

She added that members of the same household should also try to not to share a toilet with another person. If that is not possible, then they should regularly sanitise surfaces and regularly throw out the toilet trash.


“When it comes to children, they should not be allowed to sleep in their parents’ bed. Instead parents should dedicate a bed for each child. It is also important to sanitise their toys regularly.

If any room at home is crowded and does not have enough space to physically distance from one another, then avoid sitting in it. Those with a big family should not sit all together in one room,” she said.

Dr Al Awadhi said that ensuring rooms are well ventilated is also important, so is maintaining personal hygiene and cleaning the house regularly. “Practise physical distance when eating at the dining table or eat in different places or at different timings if the table is not big enough. Also avoid eating food from one plate, each person should only eat from their own plate and cups using their own utensils.” she said.

She concluded by saying that if someone at home is sick or has been exposed to a positive case, it is important to keep them away from vulnerable family members, such as the elderly and those with chronic disease, by moving them to another house or floor if possible.

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