07 2020 Jun
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Staff Reporter /Dubai / June 7, 2020

Residents are urged to avoid fake tips, guidelines and predictions on social media and websites.

Recovered Covid-19 patients pose no threat to others, a top official has said. Authorities ensure that infected cases don't leave hospitals or quarantine facilities without fully recovering.

During a virtual Press briefing on Saturday, Dr Farida Al Hosani, official spokesperson for the UAE health sector, said: "Covid-19 incubation starts two days before developing any symptoms and lasts up to eight days after the symptoms appear."

A rundown of what health officials discussed at the briefing:-

Rumours spread panic

Dr Farida said more rumors about Covid-19 have been detected. "Misinformation and disinformation are still spreading panic and destabilizing society.

"Residents are urged to avoid fake tips, guidelines and predictions on social media and websites. Get news and facts from trusted sources only and double-check any information you read or receive."

Is home nursing service safe?

Those working in the home nursing sector are a priority for the government as they deal with the most vulnerable groups - the elderly and people of determination. "We have directed the health sector to regularly conduct Covid-19 tests of the nurses. Families are advised to not change the nurses frequently to minimize the risk," said Dr Farida.

Are there any side effects to using masks?

Wearing a mask may be "slightly annoying" for some, especially if worn for long periods. "However, it is one of the primary tools to stop the spread of Covid-19. Please ensure that the disposable masks are appropriately disposed and the reusable masks are washed as required," the official said.

When should patients be hospitalized?

Asymptomatic patients may follow self-quarantine at home. "Those facing respiratory distress must go to the nearest healthcare facility to receive immediate treatment. Vulnerable categories of patients must go to the hospitals, too, even if the symptoms are mild. Such cases need early intervention to avoid complications."

Can patients recover without medication?

Asymptomatic patients do not need any medication, but should be tested regularly. "And they must follow the precautionary measures to ensure that they do not spread it to others."

Eased restrictions

The country has started opening up gradually, but the eased restrictions won't work "without full awareness and commitment to a new lifestyle" by residents. This includes adhering to all precautionary measures.

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