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Published: October 07, 2020 │ Tabitha Barda

Sugar is linked to a host of health problems - here's how to help your child cut down

SPICE IT UP WITH CINNAMON: Sprinkle ground cinnamon to snacks or meals for taste. Considered safe for kids from 6 months up, it is a natural spice that is packed with antioxidants and assists in lowering blood glucose levels. Its warming, aromatic flavour also lends a taste that many kids love.

WISE UP TO YOGHURT: Yoghurt is packed full of bone- and muscle-building calcium and protein, and it also contains probiotics, which can help with immunity by boosting your child's microbiome, These benefits are cancelled out, however, if your child's yoghurt is highly processed and packed with sugar. Instead of giving your child pre-flavoured yoghurt, which contains on average five to six teaspoons of sugar per pot, serve a plain natural yoghurt with finely chopped fruit such as kiwi, mango, nectarines or peaches for flavour.

OUT WITH CEREAL, IN WITH OATS: You would be shocked at the amount of sugar that is in most processed breakfast cereals - no matter how 'healthy' they claim to be. Many of the sugars are hidden in the ingredients list, described in other ways, like fructose or the healthy-sounding 'malted barley extract'. Replace high-sugar cereals with a wholesome bowl of cooked oat porridge and chopped fruit or berries.

SET THE JUICE LOOSE: The average juice box has around 14 teaspoons of sugar – more than a can of cola! Replace these with freshly made juices – look for those with a maximum of a three-day expiry date as a guide. Alternatively, make your own at home using vegetables such as beetroot, carrot, kale and spinach. You can ‘hide’ the vegetable flavours by using fruits like apple as the base. If you’re running short of time, opt for plain water with chopped or sliced fruit for flavor.

GET BAKING: Replace bought pre-baked muffins and cupcakes or mix with a Paleo recipe that’s free from sugar, grains and dairy. Paleo recipes often use bananas or dates as a base or to sweeten them and it’s easy to find delicious recipes online.

TURN TO THE HONEY: Replace granulated sugar with organic honey – nature’s natural sweetener that’s not chemically altered from its natural state. Honey also has impressive nutritious and healing properties. Honey is fine for those aged 12 months and over, but do not give to babies younger than 1 year old.

DIY FRUIT LOLLIES: It's hot outside and children want frozen treats. Swap shop-bought ice creams and lollies for homemade ones. You can buy the ice lolly molds in most supermarkets and simply add freshly squeezed or blended fruit juice. All you need to do is freeze and, within a few hours, you’ll have a batch of natural and very nutritious ice lollies for your child and his or her friends.