30 2021 Aug
5 Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss

5 Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss

Getting rid of body fat is a big challenge for many people. The latest diet or trendy workout never seems to work in their benefit. We all know someone who’s been there. It may have even been you. Food Is Your Friend Lots of people may agree with that headline. But it is in fact true. Many of the foods we eat are perfect for burning fat and increasing metabolic health. In fact, the very vitamins and minerals our bodies need to survive come from the food we eat. Not all foods are created equal. Though some foods bring blissful pleasure to our taste buds, they don’t benefit us on a healthy level. These 5 fat burning foods are not only fuel for the body. 5 FAT BURNING FOODS FOR WEIGHT LOS...

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23 2021 Aug
What is Hepatitis B?

What is Hepatitis B?

WHAT IS HEPATITIS B? Hepatitis B is a serious liver infection that causes inflammation that can lead to liver damage. Hepatitis B, also called HBV and Hep B, can cause cirrhosis, liver cancer and even death. WHAT ARE THE TYPES OF HEPATITIS B? There are two types of hepatitis B infection: acute and chronic. Acute - An acute infection happens at the beginning, when you first get infected with hepatitis B. Many people are able to clear it from their bodies and recover. In fact, this is true of about 4 in 5 adults who are infected. Chronic - If you are not able to clear the infection within six months or longer, you have chronic hepatitis B. It is chronic hepatitis B that leads to inflammat...

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15 2021 Aug


HOW MUCH DOES YOUR METABOLISM SLOW DOWN AS YOU AGE? Metabolism is the process that turns food into energy, so your body can work right. As you get older, your metabolism slows.‌ WHY DOES METABOLISM SLOW DOWN AS YOU AGE? • Loss of muscle mass. As you age, you naturally lose muscle mass. As a result, you burn calories at a lower rate. • Less active. As you get older, you may get less physical activity than you used to. Not getting enough exercise can lead to weight gain and cardiovascular disease. These conditions also contribute to the slowing of your metabolism. • Gender and genes. These also play a role in your metabolism rate. Men typically have a faster metabolism because they have mor...

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08 2021 Aug
5 reasons why smiling is good for your health

5 reasons why smiling is good for your health

A smile can go a long way. It can start a friendship, dissolve an argument and spread happiness. Scientific research has shown that smiling, or just seeing a smile, is contagious and can stimulate happy thoughts, even if you're not feeling particularly joyful at the time. So it seems our facial expressions have a greater impact on our lives than you might have thought Here, expert Susannah Schaefer, CEO of charity Smile Train, explains the physical benefits associated with smiling. 1. IT LOWERS STRESS When a person is smiling, it affects certain muscles within the body that make you feel happy. The movement of muscles in your face releases chemicals called endorphins which trigger a po...

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01 2021 Aug
Tools for Encouraging Good Behaviors in Toddlers

Tools for Encouraging Good Behaviors in Toddlers

TOOLS FOR ENCOURAGING GOOD BEHAVIOUR IN TODDLERS Toddler tantrums and other behavioral issues are common problems most parents face with their children. The good news is that with the help of an established daily routine, and some timely and positive attention, you can encourage good behavior in your toddler. At their age, toddlers start exhibiting independence and want things to be done their way. This may lead them to throw tantrums, or to behave inappropriately, which can be frustrating for parents. With the use of these simple tips, you can encourage good behavior in your children, and also help them boost their self-confidence. EXPRESS YOUR LOVEYour toddler is too young to understa...

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25 2021 Jul
Understanding Toddler Behavior

Understanding Toddler Behavior

Temperament: what is it? Temperament is the way children respond to the world. You can think about your child’s temperament in terms of how much or how little they show of these three qualities: Reactivity: this is how strongly children react to things like exciting events or not getting their own way. Reactive children tend to feel things strongly. Self-regulation: this is how much children can control their behavior, including the way they show their feelings. It’s also about how much children can control their attention and how persistent they are. Sociability: this is how comfortable children are when they meet new people or have new experiences. Adapting your parenting for you...

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11 2021 Jul
Surprising Reasons to Get More Sleep

Surprising Reasons to Get More Sleep

By Rachel Reiff Ellis A lack of sleep at night can make you cranky the next day. And over time, skimping on sleep can mess up more than just your morning mood. Studies show getting quality sleep on a regular basis can help improve all sorts of issues, from your blood sugar to your workouts. Here's why you should give your body the ZZZs it needs. SHARPER BRAIN When you're running low on sleep, you'll probably have trouble holding onto and recalling details. That's because sleep plays a big part in both learning and memory. Without enough sleep, it's tough to focus and take in new information. Your brain also doesn't have enough time to properly store memories so you can pull them up later...

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04 2021 Jul
Is it safe to mix and match COVID-19 vaccines?

Is it safe to mix and match COVID-19 vaccines?

by Priya Joi As the COVID-19 vaccine rollout is well underway, some countries are starting to think about mixing vaccine products, where one vaccine is given as the first shot and a second vaccine of a different type and different manufacturer is given several weeks later. Mixing vaccine products could be a good idea for many reasons. Supply bottlenecks have led to shortages in several countries, so being able to mix vaccines from different manufacturers may reduce the pressure on vaccine supply. Moreover, it there is some preliminary evidence to suggest that it could also potentially lead to a stronger immune response compared to two doses of the same vaccine. Some countries are planning...

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27 2021 Jun
5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Mental Health

5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Mental Health

5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Ignore Your Mental Health It’s as important as physical health Contributor: Psychiatrist Karen Jacobs, DO Ashamed. Embarrassed. Afraid. All too often, these emotions stop people from sharing their mental health concerns with a doctor. But living a full, productive life depends on more than just what you think of as “physical” health. Mental health matters just as much. Unfortunately, mental illness still comes with stigma in our society. Here’s my message to you: Tell your doctor if you are having any signs or symptoms of mental illness. Whether you face common issues such as anxiety or depression or more rare conditions such as schizophrenia, your doctor can hel...

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13 2021 Jun
UAE: Are you getting enough vitamin D to fight Covid-19?

UAE: Are you getting enough vitamin D to fight Covid-19?

Health experts and researchers have reiterated that getting enough vitamin D bolsters one’s immunity and keeps Covid-19 at bay With a UAE study confirming that vitamin D deficiency can put one at increased risk of severe Covid-19, doctors have highlighted the importance of getting enough of the sunshine vitamin. But how will you know if your vitamin D levels need a boost? Healthcare specialists said that a vitamin D test can be taken if one experiences pain in the joints, bones and muscles, and if he or she often gets sick or experiences fatigue. Dr. Rasha Alani, family medicine specialist at Medcare Medical Centre, said on average, it would be good to get vitamin D levels checked every...

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