07 2021 Jun
UAE summer temperature crosses 51°C: Tips to stay cool

UAE summer temperature crosses 51°C: Tips to stay cool

The country recorded its hottest temperature yet over the weekend, with the mercury soaring to 51°C at Sweihan in Al Ain. And it’s only going to get hotter. So, we spoke to experts and doctors to keep you safe and cool amid scorching summer temperatures. STAY HYDRATED AND MAKE A SPLASH: - Keep a water bottle handy, even if you don’t feel thirsty. - It’s important that you’re aware of your body and hydration levels. Dr. Vrishali Rohankar, General Practitioner & Medical Director, Aster Clinic, listed out the signs to look out for to avoid heat strokes: - Dizziness or headaches - Dry mouth - Rapid heart rate - Difficulty walking - Fatigue - Muscle cramps - Shallow, rapid breath...

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30 2021 May
Alcohol-related diseases on the rise due to COVID stress: UAE doctors

Alcohol-related diseases on the rise due to COVID stress: UAE doctors

Medics warned that excessive alcohol consumption weakens the immune system, making one vulnerable to Covid-19 Doctors have reported an increase in alcohol-related hospitalization cases amid the pandemic. On World Liver Day, they reiterated how drinking liquor weakens the immune system and leads to critical diseases. Dr. Eswar Moparty, gastroenterologist at Medeor Hospital, Dubai, noted that alcohol consumption — especially drinking to cope with work-related stress — is on the rise. “There is an increase in the number of people consuming alcohol. Being off work, confined at home with depression due to lockdown or restrictions, some people tend to drink alcohol in greater quantities. There...

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23 2021 May
Here’s How To Stay Hydrated When It’s Hot Out

Here’s How To Stay Hydrated When It’s Hot Out

Everyone’s talking about how hot it is outside as if the person sweating next to them wasn’t already aware of it. But there’s no need to avoid the great outdoors—or your workout—just because it’s warm! Just make sure you’re well-hydrated in these types of temperatures. For the most part, it’s an easy task – keep a bottle of water nearby and drink it regularly. But there’s more to just drinking water to stay hydrated. It’s about recognizing the signs of dehydration, in yourself and especially among infants, children, and the elderly, who may not be as diligent about drinking water routinely. Signs of dehydration: · Dry mouth and throat · Fatigue · Little to no urine · Little to no tear...

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16 2021 May
Self-care tips for a healthier 'pandemic pregnancy'

Self-care tips for a healthier 'pandemic pregnancy'

• BE MINDFUL Relax your body by practicing breathing exercises such as stretching, meditating, or engaging in mindful movements. Mindful movements include slow, intentional activity such as walking, yoga, or exercise. Practice simple mindfulness techniques, such as a breathing exercise – for example, a technique called “4-7-8.” This technique involves sitting comfortably with good posture and counting with the “in breath” to four, holding your breath to a count of seven, and exhaling to a count of eight. Do this four times and breathe normally, practicing as needed. Mindfulness has been found to help relieve anxiety, depression, and stress during pregnancy. Research also suggests that mi...

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09 2021 May


Strokes are serious and can be deadly. Being familiar with the signs of stroke and responding quickly can save your older adult’s life or reduce their chance of developing major disabilities. What is a stroke? Think of a stroke as a “brain attack.” It happens when blood flow to an area of the brain is cut off. That deprives brain cells of oxygen and those cells begin to die. When brain cells die during a stroke, abilities controlled by that area of the brain are lost, like memory and muscle control. F.A.S.T. is a shortcut to remember signs of stroke Use these initials to remember the key signs of stroke and how to respond. F = Face drooping on one side. Ask your older adult to smile...

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02 2021 May
How to motivate oneself to achieve long-term exercise goals?

How to motivate oneself to achieve long-term exercise goals?

Working out an hour a day without distractions is a good way to release mood-boosting endorphins that help boost motivation A regular exercise regime is essential for maintaining our physical and mental health. However, it is very common for people to feel a short burst of motivation where they start working out and eating healthy, only to fall off track shortly after. With a few simple tricks, however, staying consistent can actually be a lot easier than you may think. CREATE A PLAN If you don't know what you are doing, you are more likely to stop doing it. Plan what you are doing each day - whether it that means deciding which body part you are training or what group class you are atten...

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25 2021 Apr
Is it safe to exercise during Ramadan? Here's the answer.

Is it safe to exercise during Ramadan? Here's the answer.

If you are planning to quit your exercise routine during Ramadan, think again. Experts are of the opinion that exercise and fasting can go together. We bring you some tips on how to maintain your workout plans while you fast during the holy month. EXERCISE AND FASTING. For those who have been reluctant to exercise during Ramadan, the news is it's completely healthy to work out while you fast. Exercising and fasting can go together without causing any harm to the body. According to Dr. Javaid Shah, Physician Specialist in Dubai, exercise while fasting may actually keep our brain, neuro-motors and muscle fibers biologically young. "When we exercise during fasting, it essentially forces our bo...

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18 2021 Apr
Think You're Too Young for a Heart Attack? Think Again.

Think You're Too Young for a Heart Attack? Think Again.

If you're in your 20s, 30s or 40s, you might believe you have plenty of time before you need to start thinking about your heart health and your chances of having a heart attack. But new research shows that heart attacks – often associated with older men – are increasingly occurring in younger people, especially women. Researchers studied more than 28,000 people hospitalized for heart attacks from 1995 to 2014, and they found that the rate of heart attacks in patients ages 35 to 54 has increased from 27 percent to 32 percent. Taking care of your heart in your 20s, 30s and 40s not only protects you and your heart now, it also helps you ensure a longer, healthier future. Here's what you need...

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21 2021 Mar
أنشطة تقلل خطر الإصابة بالخرف

أنشطة تقلل خطر الإصابة بالخرف

خبرني - كشفت دراسة جديدة، أن بعض الأنشطة الترفيهية المحفزة فكريا تقلل من خطر الإصابة بالخرف، ولكن هذه الأنشطة تختلف بين الرجال والنساء. وفي الدراسة التي أجراها باحثو جامعة لندن، درس الباحثون بيانات 8000 متطوع فوق سن الـ 50، وتتبعوا حالتهم لمدة 15 عاما. ووجد الباحثون أن قراءة النساء للصحف بانتظام تجعلهن أقل عرضة لخطر الإصابة بالخرف بنسبة 35% من اللاتي لا يمارسن هذه العادة. ووفقا لصحيفة ”ديلي ميل“ البريطانية، كان الرجال أقل عرضة لخطر الإصابة بالخرف بنسبة 36% عندما يستخدمون الهاتف المحمول بانتظام، في حين لم يمنح نفس النشاط النساء أي حماية. وكشف التحليل أن الأشخاص المتزوجين الذين يشاركون في هواية ما، أقل عرضة بنسبة 30% للإصابة بالخرف. وقالت المؤلفة الأولى للدراسة باميلا ألميدا- ميزا، وهي طالبة...

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22 2021 Feb
UAE: Do not disregard precautions after getting COVID-19 vaccine, health officials urges

UAE: Do not disregard precautions after getting COVID-19 vaccine, health officials urges

Abu Dhabi: UAE residents who have received the COVID-19 vaccine must still continue to abide by COVID-19 precautions in order to protect themselves as well as other vulnerable community members, top health officials have urged. Measures like mask wearing, handwashing and social distancing ensure that those who get vaccinated do not contract mild or asymptomatic COVID-19. They also ensure that vaccinated people do not contract the virus and pass it on to others who have not yet received the vaccine. “Following precautionary measures … is as important today as it was at the very start of this pandemic. There is still a risk that vaccinated members of the community contract the virus without...

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