21 2022 Nov
Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking Over Time

Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking Over Time

Health Benefits of Quitting Smoking Over Time It’s never too late to quit using tobacco. The sooner you quit, the more you can reduce your chances of getting cancer and other diseases. Within minutes of smoking your last cigarette, your body begins to recover: These are just a few of the health benefits of quitting smoking for good, but there are others, too. Quitting smoking lowers your risk of other cancers over time as well, including cancers of the stomach, pancreas, liver, cervix, and colon and rectum, as well as acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Quitting also lowers your risk of diabetes, helps your blood vessels work better, and helps your heart and lungs. Quitting smoking can als...

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14 2022 Nov
What is Polio and its Symptoms?

What is Polio and its Symptoms?

Polio is a disease that attacks the nervous system. It is a considerably infectious disease that mostly affected children under the age of 5, although other age groups can also be affected. Around 1 in 200 cases of polio will cause permanent paralysis, but thanks to recent world efforts against polio (including a vaccine), the extent of the disease has decreased by a large margin. In many regions, polio has even been eradicated, including Europe and North America. SYMPTOMSAlthough polio can cause paralysis and death, the majority of people who are infected with the virus don't get sick and aren't aware they've been infected. NON-PARALYTIC POLIOSome people who develop symptoms from the poli...

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07 2022 Nov


When you are feeling down, your body may be searching for a source of relief to release the bottled-up emotions. While many people try to hide their tears to try not to cry at all for fear of looking weak, crying has numerous benefits for your overall mental health. Understanding these benefits can open up more people to crying without associating it with something negative, but rather as an aid to your mental health. CRYING HELPS DETOX THE BODY Humans produce three kinds of tears: reflex, continuous, and emotional. Each of these serves the purpose of helping to detox and cleanse your body. Reflect tears clean out debris from your eyes, such as smoke and dust, helping protect them. Continu...

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31 2022 Oct
What is Stuttering and How Can We Help Someone Who's Struggling with It?

What is Stuttering and How Can We Help Someone Who's Struggling with It?

Stuttering — also called stammering or childhood-onset fluency disorder — is a speech disorder that involves frequent and significant problems with normal fluency and flow of speech. People who stutter know what they want to say, but have difficulty saying it. For example, they may repeat or prolong a word, a syllable, or a consonant or vowel sound. Or they may pause during speech because they've reached a problematic word or sound. Stuttering is common among young children as a normal part of learning to speak. Young children may stutter when their speech and language abilities aren't developed enough to keep up with what they want to say. Most children outgrow this developmental stutterin...

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24 2022 Oct
A NEW STUDY:  Thirdhand smoke can trigger skin diseases

A NEW STUDY: Thirdhand smoke can trigger skin diseases

Being around tobacco smoke is bad for you, even if it's someone else's smoke. When someone smokes a cigarette, most of the smoke doesn't go into their lungs. It goes into the air, where anyone nearby can breathe it. Smoking is banned in many public places. But many people are still exposed to secondhand and thirdhand smoke, especially children who live with parents who smoke. Even people who try to be careful about where they light up may not protect those around them. What Is Secondhand Smoke? It can come from a cigarette, cigar, or pipe. Tobacco smoke has more than 4,000 chemical compounds. At least 250 are known to cause disease. Exposure to secondhand smoke raises the risk -- by as...

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17 2022 Oct
ADHD Awareness Month: What ADHD Is and Is NOT?

ADHD Awareness Month: What ADHD Is and Is NOT?

What Is ADHD? It’s Not Misbehavior, Manipulation, or Permissive Parenting What ADHD Is and Is NOT ADHD Is Not Intentional Misbehavior or Manipulation Far too many people assume that children and adolescents with ADHD are able to control their behavior — but choose not to. This is simply not true. Hyperactivity and impulsivity happen without thinking because of neurological wiring. You may see excessive talking, talking over others, getting up and moving fast when having a thought, asking a great number of questions, and falling off of the seat. These manifestations of ADHD do not reflect willful intent or the desire to make a situation or lesson difficult. ADHD Is Not Due to Permis...

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10 2022 Oct
World Mental Health Day 2022

World Mental Health Day 2022

Make mental health & well-being for all a global priority Whilst the pandemic has, and continues to, take its toll on our mental health, the ability to reconnect through World Mental Health Day 2022 will provide us with an opportunity to re-kindle our efforts to protect and improve mental health. Many aspects of mental health have been challenged; and already before the pandemic in 2019 an estimated one in eight people globally were living with a mental disorder. At the same time, the services, skills and funding available for mental health remain in short supply, and fall far below what is needed, especially in low and middle income countries. The COVID-19 pandemic has created a glob...

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03 2022 Oct
What is Dyslexia? Its Causes and Symptoms.

What is Dyslexia? Its Causes and Symptoms.

Dyslexia is one of the most common learning disabilities and about 4% of people over the world suffer from it. These patients have difficulty in processing language, especially in tasks involving reading and writing. Dyslexia is more common in males as compared to females and it can continue into adulthood also. Causes of Dyslexia: Dyslexia is an inherited condition which appears to affect more boys than girls and the genetic component has been found to play an important role in the development of this condition. In dyslexic patients, structural differences in the way the brain is wired up during development stage have been found. There has been found a deficit in a special pathway between...

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28 2022 Sep


World Rabies Day is observed on September 28 every year in order to raise awareness about rabies prevention. This day also seeks to highlight the progress in defeating this viral disease. World Rabies Day also marks the death anniversary of French biologist, microbiologist and chemist, Louis Pasteur, who developed the first rabies vaccine in 1885. It is worth noting that safe and efficacious animal and human vaccines are among the most important tools by which we can eliminate deaths caused by rabies. Moreover, the day is an occasion to raise awareness about the engagements of the communities in a holistic manner for effective rabies prevention. Significance of World Rabies Day According...

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26 2022 Sep
7 Profound Effects Of Nightlife Activities On Our Body

7 Profound Effects Of Nightlife Activities On Our Body

Nightlife, in this era, has become a new normal. Night clubs, bars, cinemas, and parties are a major part of our youth’s lifestyle. But do these late-night festivities affect our wellbeing? Or should we take some precautionary measures? But not many know how these habits lead to serious health problems. Though we enjoy such a relaxing time but an excess of anything, also these parties affect the functioning of the body negatively. Good Night’s Sleep Is All You Need Why is it so important to sleep at night and stay awake during the day, and not otherwise? The fact is that everything living, from bacteria to humans, reacts violently to the change of day and night under the influence of ci...

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